Kalray, a pioneer in processors for new intelligent systems, is proud to announce that its KTC (Kalray Target Controller) solution has been certified1 by the NVM Express organization through the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), an independent testing provider of standard conformance solutions and multi-vendor interoperability. This certification, the first of its kind for a fully integrated system, is an important milestone for Kalray. It demonstrates the level of maturity of its KTC data center solution and its commitment to advancing NVMe technology.
The rise in adoption rates of SSDs (Flash-based Solid-State Drives) over HDDs (Hard Disk Drives) has pushed the industry to standardize this new NVMe protocol (based on PCI Express) to speed up data transfers by up to 4000 times, using high-performance, low-latency non-volatile flash memories.
Eric Baissus, president and CEO of Kalray, has declared: “We are really proud of this important milestone for Kalray. It demonstrates the level of maturity of our solutions in the market. The KTC products are all-in-one system solutions, which encompass a Smart Network Interface Card, the Kalray intelligent processor and associated software, to build optimized intelligent storage systems for data centers.”
In addition to supporting the NVM Express protocols, KTC offers extra resources in situ (i.e. more than 100 cores out of 288 of the Kalray Bostan2 processor), allowing its customers to make their storage solutions smarter. In-situ computing saves significant network bandwidth, running Input/Output-intensive applications closer to the storage capacity. For instance, tasks such as RAID/erasure coding, deduplication, compression, deep learning and encryption or artificial intelligence algorithms can be executed directly from the storage server.
“We were happy to see Kalray's KTC pass certification testing,” stated Timothy Sheehan, operations manager, Datacenter Technologies, UNH-IOL.”KTC is the industry's first fully integrated system listed by the UNH-IOL on the NVMe-oF Integrators List”
KTC has been certified for NVMe Over Fabrics (NVMe-oF™) for RoCE, Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet. More information can be found on the base NVMe Integrators List https://www.iol.unh.edu/registry/nvmeof or on the Kalray Solutions page: www.kalrayinc.com/portfolio/solutions/.
KTC samples are now available for evaluation, and the production ready solution will be available in September 2018.