Test Sentinel

Test Sentinel is a full suite of automated DSL, Gfast, and Wireless tools that allow a user to easily perform experiments and run standardized testing.

IoT Device Testing: A Path to Optimal Connectivity

The “Internet of Things (IoT)” is a phrase to describe any network of devices that utilize connectivity to an internet or other devices to exchange data. These devices appear in an incredibly wide range of environments in our world today, such as in your home, in a hospital, within factories, or on a farm. Due to the fact that IoT devices exist in so many different aspects of our lives, each device has to fulfill different requirements to achieve its...

The ‘Roaming’ World We Live In

Most end users don't need to think about Wi-Fi roaming. They use their devices, and they ‘just work’ even as they move around the home, workplace, campus, or industrial environment. A seamless internet connection is no longer a luxury in today’s on-the-move society; it is necessary. Wi-Fi roaming is the unsung hero of this seamless connection between access points. I will give a brief overview of what roaming is and how it affects the user’s experience with a device. I...

Enhancing User Experience: The Vital Role of Wireless Device Testing

To ensure that a device facilitates as intended for use, two main performance tests are conducted: RvR covers the performance in terms of distance, while Spatial Consistency covers the performance in terms of rotation. While these tests are not exhaustive, they play a significant role in guaranteeing a good user experience.

Wi-Fi is ubiquitous, and its application space is expanding rapidly, with an estimated 29.3 billion networked devices in 2023 1 . As the usage of Wi-Fi products increases,...

Broadband Forum and UNH-IOL Gfast Certifications Continue to Grow Driven by 212 MHz Profile and Expanding Use Cases

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FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Broadband Forum today announced that ADTRAN, Broadcom, Cisco, and Nokia have joined the expanding list of companies and equipment to have successfully completed its Gfast certification program, including its new 212 MHz certification. These additions widen the options available for carriers to confidently deploy Gfast technology globally.

This series of certifications was recently completed at Broadband Forum’s official Gfast test house, the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL). In addition to a...

The UNH-IOL Announces the Release of Test Sentinel 2.0, an Automated Platform for Gfast & DSL Testing

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DURHAM, N.H.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL), an independent provider of broad-based testing and standards conformance solutions for the networking industry, today announced the release of Test Sentinel 2.0 , a test automation tool that supports the Broadband Forum’s Gfast Certification, DSL testing, and now Wi-Fi testing.

This latest release, expands the capabilities of Test Sentinel’s custom testing, allowing users to create and run their own test scripts, while utilizing all of Test Sentinel’s existing...

The UNH-IOL Announces First In-house Automation Platform for Gfast & DSL Testing

Durham, N.H., November 28, 2017 -- The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL), an independent provider of broad-based testing and standards conformance solutions for the networking industry, recently announced their automated Gfast and DSL test tool, Test Sentinel, is available to the public. With the number of certified-interoperable Gfast products continuing to rise, the test software allows member and non-member companies the ability to test their products in-house before applying for the Broadband Forum Gfast Certification Program. Additionally, Test...

Broadband Forum Offers Standardized Path for an Application Service Architecture for ISPs

FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Internet service providers can now manage individual smart home applications separately and without the need for complicated firmware updates, thanks to Broadband Forum launching significant upgrades to two key standards today.

New features added to USP 1.3 and TR-181 Device 2.16 establish a standardized, interoperable method for deploying and supporting value-added applications in a containerized framework for the first time. The features can be used on all broadband subscriber connected devices, including Wi-Fi routers,...

The road to lower costs & improved customer satisfaction is built on effective Wi-Fi testing

By Lincoln Lavoie, Broadband Forum Technical Chair

Poor signal, coverage, and performance – these Wi-Fi ‘experience killers’ within the subscriber network have been exacerbated over the past year or two with the switch to home working and schooling.

A common view is that these components are part of the overall broadband offering. Take slow loading time and the speed of access – the common perception amongst customers is that, when these components fail or falter, it means that...

Altice Labs and Calix unveiled as first vendors to achieve BBF.398 Grade Wi-Fi industry benchmark recognition

Fremont, California, 23 September 2021 – Broadband Forum today announced Altice Labs and Calix as the first two vendors to be listed as part of its newly launched BBF.398 Grade Wi-Fi Program. Service providers and device manufacturers will be able to reduce the number of customer complaints they receive about poorly performing devices thanks to the latest performance test plan released by Broadband Forum.

Issue 2 of TR-398 can seamlessly validate the...

Repeatable Wi-Fi Testing is Key for Device Performance Validation

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Developing and implementing testing for Wi-Fi shares many of the same challenges you would expect in testing any wireless or RF technology. With the new TR-398 Issue 2 test plan, a strong focus has been on creating a repeatable set of test procedures, setup, and configurations. It’s been necessary to ensure the testing can produce repeatable pass or fail results from absolute performance requirements.

This focus sets the TR-398 testing apart from much of the other...